Ceramics Open Studio

Open studio time is available for individual work and to practice skills and be part of a ceramic arts community.

Ceramics Open Studio

Open Studio at Holly Springs

Open studio access is set up through an individual contract with the Holly Springs Center. Members have set open studio hours and calendars.

Open studio time is available for individual work and is set up through an individual contract. All open studio students must have taken an introductory class in using the potter's wheel as well as hand-building.

Fees include studio use, storage, studio glaze, and firing. Clay is purchased separately.

Although the instructor is on hand to answer any safety concerns, teaching and demos will be covered during class or private time. Please get in touch with us by phone or email ahead of time to let us know when you wish to use the studio.

fees and hours
Fee Structure:

$25 - 25 lb. bag of clay

Hours of Operation:

Monday - 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday - 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Thursday - 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Friday - 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
​Sunday - 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
(Please notify us if you plan to come after 5:00 PM on any open studio day) 

Studio Guidelines
  • Only clay purchased through the studio can be used in HSC's kiln unless the studio instructor gives permission.

  • Studio glazes are available for use, as well as some commercial glazes and underglazes. Use only studio glazes, underglazes, and clay.

  • All tools, bats, and other studio equipment are available; please return them clean and to the proper place. Clean all tools after each use so as not to contaminate glazes or clay. Do not remove studio equipment/supplies from the studio. Any devices or tools that belong to you should have your name on them.

  • Put your name or initials on your work. Label all work covered in plastic with a marker on masking tape in a conspicuous place. 

  • Keep long hair tied back and wear clothes that can get dirty or stained. Keep personal items contained, not spread out in the work areas.

  • Please keep your area clean, always using wet cleaning methods. Please keep clay pieces out of the sink drain. All clay is recycled. Put slop/slip/slurry into reconstituting buckets by color. Be careful not to drop tools into the reconstituting or glaze buckets to avoid injuries. Also, do not put fired or bisque clay into reconstituting buckets. 

  • Do not touch work that is not yours. Unfired greenware and bisqueware are very fragile. Be careful not to splash others' work with glazes, water, clay or paint. Always treat others' work as you would want them to treat yours. 

  • Follow staff guidelines on glazing - completely mix all glazes before using. Mix to the bottom of the bucket. Keep all glaze buckets tightly sealed. Do not mix up glaze lids.

  • Any work older than three months will be considered abandoned, donated, or recycled. 

  • The studio is a community, and ceramics is a multi-step process. We try our best to avoid any breakage but cannot be responsible if accidents occur. 

  • The studio will fire the kiln when we have a full load or on scheduled fire days. Bisque firing is to cone 05, and cone 5 for glaze firing. Only authorized staff will be allowed in the kiln room. Leave your work to be fired on the appropriate shelf. Only work that has been bisque fired at Holly Springs Center studio can be glazed and re-fired in our kiln.

  • Always clean up after yourself! Leave it like you would want to find it.

For More Information, Contact Us Today!


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