The Holly Springs Center works through the selfless donations of time, tithe, and talent. We are always looking for community members to help us with volunteering, donations of materials, or financial gifts. Call us at 864-878-9335 or email us at [email protected] for more information.
Volunteer duties examples:
In-House Maintenance - Answer the door, light cleaning (wipe counters, clean windows, dust, etc in office/foyer area), run Preschool dishes through the dishwasher after 1pm, water inside plants.
Office Volunteer - Answer phone, check voicemail, conduct tours of the building, check in students for classes, provide field trip help, keep office/foyer area tidy.
Outdoor Maintenance - Grounds-keeping, general upkeep and repair, maintain gardens and playground, cut wood for woodworking projects, prep nail kits
Field Trip Day Volunteer - Help teachers prepare for classes, assist students during art/cultural classes
Saturday Volunteer -Open building for classes, check in students for classes, file paperwork for that day’s classes, close building after classes are over.